

醇亲王载沣(18831951),清摄政王,光绪皇帝的弟弟,末代皇帝溥仪的生父。1901年为在义和团运动中被杀的德国公使克林德(Baron von Ketteler)“谢罪”而赴德国,才十几岁。照片摄于1907年,牵手站着的是溥仪,抱在怀里的是溥杰。

Second Prince Chun and his two sons, Puyi on the right and Pujie sitting on father's legs, photo taken in 1907. In 1901 he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary by the imperial court to Germany, to "apologize" for a "conflict" at the beginning of the Boxer uprising. In 1908 his son Puyi was chosen to become the last emperor; he became the Regent. Three years later, China turned into a Republic.
