
George Orwell, "Politics and English Language," 1946

Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a lifeless, imitative style. The political dialects to be found in pamphlets, leading articles, manifestos, White Papers and the speeches of under-secretaries do, of course, vary from party to party, but they are all alike in that one almost finds in them a fresh, vivid, home-made turn of speech. When one watches tired hack on the platform mechanically repeating the familiar phrases—bestial atrocities, iron heel, bloodstained tyranny, free peoples of the world, stand shoulder to shoulder—one often has a curious feeling that one is not watching a live human being but some kind of dummy: a feeling which suddenly becomes stronger at moments when the light catches the speaker’s spectacles and turns them into blank discs which seem to have no eyes behind them. And this is not altogether fanciful. A speaker who uses that kind of phraseology has gone some distance towards turning himself into a machine. The appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself. If the speech he is making is one that he is accustomed to make over and over again, he may be almost unconscious of what he is saying, as one is when one utters the responses in church. And this reduced state of consciousness, if not indispensable, is at any rate favorable to political conformity.



© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。


读丰子恺的画(二): "Winter of Jiaxing"


© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。


advice on style: William Strunk Jr., (2)/ 再谈文体

Here is another advice of William Strunk Jr., from that “little book,” The Elements of Style, which I regard as the informal “constitution of letters.”

Prefer the specific to the general, the definite to the vague, the concrete to the abstract.

If those who have studied the art of writing are in accord on any one point, it is on this: the surest way to arouse and hold the attention of the reader is by being specific, definite, and concrete.

Two examples:

In proportion as men delight in battles, bullfights, and combats of gladiators, will they punish by hanging, burning, and the rack. (Herbert Spencer, Philosophy of Style)

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. (Ecclesiastes, King James Version)

文体家 William Strunk Jr. 的又一条忠告:要鲜明、具体,不要含混、空洞。英文语体的发展没有经历废除“古文”这一幕。好的英文可以取得中国古文佳作同样的效果:千锤百炼,雄浑有力。

© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。


巴西的现代性 (Brazilian Modernity)

Flora Süssekind, Cinematograph of Words: Literature, Technique, and Modernization in Brazil (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997).



Some quotations:

(The exhibition and the royal auditions of Edison’s phonographs in 1889)
What is ironic about this incident is that it took place on the eve of the proclamation of the republic, and that in its earliest use in Brazil the phonograph should have preserved the last voices of the empire—including that of the emperor himself. (32)

There was yet another phonograph exhibition before the imperial family—the most melancholy of all. This was on November 14, 1889—the night before the proclamation of the republic. (33)

Thus, from a political point of view the phonograph played the part of recording the voices of the rulers of the empire just before their fall from power. These recordings had a somewhat ambiguous effect: at the same time that they preserved and reproduced the voices they also seemed to divest them of their earlier aura, in a rather cruel way. The voice of the emperor, recorded on November 9, was the voice of a deposed monarch only one week later. It was as though the daguerreotypes and phonograms that held such a fascination for Pedro II were announcing, without his being aware of the fact, the fading of the empire’s insignia and the extinction of the monarchy. And the new devices, having been blessed by the emperor, were soon in the service of those who succeeded him in power. (33)

© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。

Miscellaneous “primitive” and “savagery”/ “原始”与“野蛮“种种

[T]his great reservoir of moral, social, and physical pollution which is constantly extending its area and threatens to engulf with its filthiness and immorality the fairest portion of our city.
Depiction of San Francisco Chinatown (San Francisco Chronicle February 24, 1880).

It was so easy to imitate these people. I learned to spit in the very first days. We used to spit in each other’s faces; the only difference was that I licked my face clean afterwards and they did not.
Franz Kafka, “A Report to an Academy” in The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces (New York: Schocken books, 1948), 180.

Ah, one learns when one has to; one learns when one needs a way out; one learns at all costs.
Ibid, 183.

All complacency over his handiwork had vanished; never could he bring himself to exhibit to mortal eye these repulsive creatures. His only thought was the unanswerable question: what should he do with them? On this he brooded continually, reaching no conclusion because he could no more contemplate destroying creatures possessing human intelligence, however distorted and degraded, than he could have taken the life of a born idiot or one insane.
Louise J. Strong, “An Unscientific Story” The Cosmopolitan 34, no 4 (February, 1903), 414.

They were small, oblique, set closely together, of a heady black, their only lids being a whitish membrane that swept them at intervals—but they sparkled and glowed with passion, dimmed with tears, and widened with thought. Those eyes, more than a score of them, were fixed upon him now with entreaty, menace, fear, revolt, and, most of all, judgment burning in their depths. Even the smaller ones, of which there were many in various sizes, eyed him with resentment and hate, while scurrying, like frightened rats, from corner to corner as he moved about.
Ibid, 416.

The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much. What redeems it is the idea only. An idea at the back of it; not a sentimental pretense but an idea; and an unselfish belief in the idea--something you can set up, and bow down before, and offer a sacrifice to.
Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness (New York: Norton, 1988), 10. Quoted from Theodore Huters, Bringing the World Home: Appropriating the West in Late Qing and Early Republican China (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press), 266.

William Schaefer, "Shanghai Savage" Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 11.1 (2003) 91-133.


© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。


读丰子恺的画(一): "A Late Home Return"




© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。


William Strunk Jr., E. B. White, and Chuang-tzu

William Strunk Jr. 和 E. B. White 是两位文体专家,提倡简洁干净的文风。他们认为,成功的写作过程是从错综复杂的想绪里抽出最有效的语句呈现给读者。好语言的标准是应该使读者念起来不觉得有累赘和障碍。

下面是从他们合著的小书《风格的要素》 (The Elements of Style, 3rd Edition) 里挑出的两段话:

Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. (William Strunk Jr.)

If one is to write, one must believe—in the truth and worth of the scrawl, in the ability of the reader to receive and decode the message. No one can write decently who is distrustful of the reader’s intelligence, or whose attitude is patronizing. (E. B. White)




遲,解,滿(莊 C.3)

Burton Watson 是翻译中国古代典籍的大师级“庖丁”。且看他的翻译:

“However, whenever I come to a complicated place, I size up the difficulties, tell myself to watch out, and be careful, keep my eyes on what I’m doing, work very slowly, and move the knife with the greatest subtlety, until—flop! the whole thing comes apart like a clod of earth crumbling to the ground. I stand there holding the knife and look all around me, completely satisfied and reluctant to move on, and then I wipe off the knife and put it away.”

翻译如同写作。这段翻译,准确、简洁、生动,将原文里的关键和脉络一一化解,达到了 William Strunk Jr. 和 E. B. White 的要求。

© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。


Y. R. Chao and Bertrand Russell (sent to me by a friend)

From B. Russell's Autobiography: "We had an official interpreter assigned to look after us. His English was very good and he was especially proud of his ability to make puns in English. His name was Mr. Chao and, when I showed him an article I had written called "Causes of the Present Chaos," he remarked, "Well, I suppose, the causes of the present Chaos are the previous Chaos."
Ruan Muhua

Dear Mr Ruan,
Chao's wife, Yang Buwei (杨步伟), also wrote an autobiography,
Autobiography of a Chinese Woman, which was translated into English by her husband, Chao Yuanren, (赵元任) one of the former chairs of my department. The book is a combination of a strong female character and Chao's terrific English style.


More from Russell's Autobiography:
"I became a close friend of his in the course of our journeys. He was engaged to a Chinese girl and I was able to remove some difficulties that had impeded his marriage. I still hear from him occasionally and once or twice he and his wife have come to see me in England."
So Russell did more than merely help a friend resolve some difficulties--he also ensured the writing of a book. I'll look it up, and thanks for telling me of it.

© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。


庄子 山木 木石姻缘/ Chuang-tzu (Zhuangzi)

庄子行于山中,见大木枝叶盛茂,伐木者止其旁而不取也。问其故,曰:无所可用。庄子曰:此木以不材得终其天年。夫子出于山,舍于故人之家 。故人喜,命竖子杀雁而烹之。竖子请曰:其一能鸣,其一不能鸣,请奚杀?主人曰:杀不能鸣者。明日,弟子问于庄子曰:昨日山中之木,以不材得终其天年,今主人之雁,以不材死;先生将何处?庄子笑曰:周将处乎材与不材之间。材与不材之间,似之而非也,故未免乎累。若夫乘道德而浮游则不然,无誉无訾,一龙一蛇,与时俱化,而无肯专为;一上一下,以和为量,浮游乎万物之祖,物物而不物于物,则胡可得而累邪!此神农、黄帝之法则也。若夫万物之情,人伦之传,则不然。合则离,成则毁;廉则挫,尊则议,有为则亏,贤则谋,不肖则欺,胡可得而必乎哉!悲夫!弟子志之,其唯道德之乡乎!

孟子说,物之不齐,物之情也。这里的不是指情感,而是状况、命运、自然等。庄子讲万物之情,人伦之传,也是在讲物性人性都在里面。让我 想起了红楼梦里的石兄。石头兄自怨自叹、日夜悲号惭愧,是因为但见众石俱得补天,独自己无材不堪入选,落在无材二字上。这让人又回到庄子,山中大木以不材得终其天年。这无材不材不尽相同,细微之处耐人寻味。


庄子说的“一龙一蛇,与时俱化”十分潇洒,用庄子自己的话叫逍遥、神、浮游等等,now a dragon, now a snake。 又让我联想到石与玉的转化了。“佛祖说法、顽石点头”的“顽石”与鲜明莹洁的“美玉”竟然也可以是一体,难怪石兄得以终其天年。


© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。