
巴西的现代性 (Brazilian Modernity)

Flora Süssekind, Cinematograph of Words: Literature, Technique, and Modernization in Brazil (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997).



Some quotations:

(The exhibition and the royal auditions of Edison’s phonographs in 1889)
What is ironic about this incident is that it took place on the eve of the proclamation of the republic, and that in its earliest use in Brazil the phonograph should have preserved the last voices of the empire—including that of the emperor himself. (32)

There was yet another phonograph exhibition before the imperial family—the most melancholy of all. This was on November 14, 1889—the night before the proclamation of the republic. (33)

Thus, from a political point of view the phonograph played the part of recording the voices of the rulers of the empire just before their fall from power. These recordings had a somewhat ambiguous effect: at the same time that they preserved and reproduced the voices they also seemed to divest them of their earlier aura, in a rather cruel way. The voice of the emperor, recorded on November 9, was the voice of a deposed monarch only one week later. It was as though the daguerreotypes and phonograms that held such a fascination for Pedro II were announcing, without his being aware of the fact, the fading of the empire’s insignia and the extinction of the monarchy. And the new devices, having been blessed by the emperor, were soon in the service of those who succeeded him in power. (33)

© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。
