

Li Hongzhang (1823-1901) was a Chinese general who ended several major rebellions, and a leading statesman of the late Qing Empire. He served in important positions of the Imperial Court, once holding the office of the Viceroy of Zhili 直隸總督. He was best known in the West for his diplomatic negotiation skills and the strengthening of Beiyang Navy 北洋水師. After the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, Li had become a literary scapegoat for China's embarrassments in the late Qing Dynasty.

1895年甲午战败和马关条约的签订,使李鸿章成为众矢之的,暂时退出权利中心。他1896年先后访问俄、德、荷、法、比、英、美、加诸国。这第二张照片就是李鸿章在出访英国时拍的,与 Lord SalisburyLord Curzon 的合影。岁数大的那个洋人就是 Salisbury 爵爷,老谋深算,是大英的当朝首相。那位小爵爷叫 Curzon, 也不简单,出身贵胄,是外交部的干才,很快就要做印度总督了。


Curzon 日后就体验到印度总督也不好当了。老天有眼,做虎做狼也不能太舒服。

© by Dun Wang (王敦). All rights reserved. 著作权拥有者:Dun Wang (王敦)。